Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Cloud”
Home, sweet home
Wel we can have gathered most beautiful website, if it’s not possible for people visiting it, then it’s useless.
Publishing content is what this is all about in the first place.
You can be the greatest writer that never got published, the best painter of your generation that has no space in an exhibition, the best singer songwriter that has no audience. If you create, you need to get your stuff out there.
Static, so you don't need coding skills right?
So static websites, means there is no code? Could not be more wrong…
From the JAM stack website they provide some best practices and example. There are choices to be made, and each have advantages and disadvantages, making it easy but not sophisticated or sophisticated and too complex.
Long over are the days of me designing web sites, so I needed a setup with Themes capabilities and a well stocked offering of choices in that area.
Setting up a website context
I have been a webmaster since I started my professional career. I was lucky to work at the biggest Belgian ISP in the nineties.
I was responsible for all web properties, from the “users” server, the corporate web site, The marketing website, to the Belcast portal (later merged into
Those where the days, the early days. We used a lot of open source, got stuff working with Apache, added dynamic content using cgi. Went a bit further and generated every page using Perl (yay). This made it possible to personalise the page for the user.